Guvernul României pregătește o serie de măsuri drastice pentru reducerea cheltuielilor bugetare în 2025, denumite „Ordonanța trenuleț”. Conform unui proiect de Ordonanță de Urgență obținut de, se prevăd plafonări de salarii și indemnizații pentru bugetari, precum și înghețarea posturilor de la stat. Documentul urmează să intre în negocieri în coaliția de guvernare În sectorul […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Romanian government is planning drastic budget cuts in 2025 under an ordinance nicknamed "Ordonanța trenuleț." This will affect public sector salaries, benefits, hiring, and sick leave.
Specifically, the ordinance aims to:
* Freeze salaries and benefits for public employees at December 2024 levels.
* Limit pension and indemnity increases to below the inflation rate.
* Constrain additional spending by restricting bonuses, premiums, and vacation vouchers.
Essentially, the government is looking to implement cost-saving measures across the public sector to manage its budget.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Romanian government is planning drastic budget cuts in 2025 under an ordinance nicknamed "Ordonanța trenuleț." This will affect public sector salaries, benefits, hiring, and sick leave. Specifically, the ordinance aims to: * Freeze salaries and benefits for public employees at December 2024 levels. * Limit pension and indemnity increases to below the inflation rate. * Constrain additional spending by restricting bonuses, premiums, and vacation vouchers. Essentially, the government is looking to implement cost-saving measures across the public sector to manage its budget.